Using a weekly meal plan will save you time, money and reduce stress at dinnertime. Having a plan also helps ensure your family eats balanced, nutritious meals throughout the week. Post it on the fridge so your whole family will know what’s for dinner!
This week the menu includes a new crockpot soup recipe, a new salad I could eat for lunch every day and a new Halloween dessert!
What’s on the Menu
We share a new meal plan every week, so check back every Sunday. I love to add a fruit and veggie to go along with each dinner. Add whatever you have on hand and you know your family will eat.
- Sunday: Cheesy Ham and Potato Casserole with Best Dinner Rolls Recipe
- Monday: Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
- Tuesday: Easy Beef Empanadas Recipe (keep it easy with store bought dough or make your own Empanada Dough)
- Wednesday: The Jennifer Aniston Salad
- Thursday: Egg and Potato Casserole
- Friday/Sat: Out or leftovers
- Snack: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
- Dessert: Halloween Brownies
Printable Meal Plan
Fill in the form below for the printable Meal Plan. The meal plan can also be edited to add in your own meals or shopping list. Simply double click on the gray area to edit.
If you make one of these recipes, we’d love for you to leave a rating and review on the blog post.
Don’t miss our past Meal Plans as well. You’ll find lots more inspiration for what to add to the menu in our recipe index as well! Happy Cooking!